Continuing Education
Continuing Education
These include in-service courses and workshops conducted as part of professional development and continuting Education. The list of all CE courses taught include:

* indicates a course that Dr. Chang has coordinated (developed the curriculum)
- *Dispelling Students' Misconceptions About Climate Change - A Teacher Professional Learning Experience
- *Introduction to Assessment for Learning
- *The hole in the sky is causing global warming? Re- Presenting conceptual understanding for climate change education
- *Alternative Assessment for Geography
- *Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching and Learning of Geography
- *TLLM Ignite IBL Workshop
- *Teaching Map Reading through IT
- *Learning physical Geography through Inquiry based learning
- *Physical Geography for Geography Elective (Combined Humanities)
- Learning Physical Geography through Movies
- Learning Physical Geography through Movies for "A" level Geography
- Selected Aspects of Atmospheric Processes for "A' level Geography
- Current Topics in Lower Secondary Geography
- Physical Geography Content Lectures for 2007 New/Revised Upper Secondary Geography Syllabuses
- Transport And Communication And Managing The Changing Environment For Lower Sec Geography
- *Teaching Selected Aspects of Climatology
- *Introduction to ICT